Future of Data Science

Companies have started collecting data about customers, this has led to a huge collection of data. Data science is a very lucrative field and has job prospects in every industry starting from aerospace to beauty and healthcare. Besides private sector a lot of government jobs are also available.

Some also comment that AI is the new future of data science. AI is already helping companies to make sense of this vast data, it might also start producing computational models on its own who knows! Whether it can endanger jobs of data scientist and analyst is still being debated.

Brief History

The word ‘ data science’ first came to use in 1960s, it was used as an alias to computer science. Data science was considered a sub domain of CS until 2001 when William S Cleaveland. In 2012 Harvard Business Review popularized data science by calling it the “sexiest job of the century”, this attracted people’s attention and inspired many to become data scientist.

Data science and other STEM programs might sound same since both are involve data analysis but they are significantly different from each other. Data Science uses computational and statistical methods to draw insights. A main tasks of data scientist are to devise new algorithms, while data analyst just implement already existing algorithms.